Privacy Policy

Stay in our luxury Suites & rooms
Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of your information is very important to us. Whether you are visiting our website, using our app, booking a room, or are a member of one of our loyalty programs, we want you to trust the way that we manage your information and to keep you informed about how we use that information.

In order to help you, our users efficiently access the information provided on our platform, we collect certain information from you. You may be required to register your name, address, e-mail id, Facebook account, phone number and other similar information. This information is collected in order to customise the content you see, to be able to adhere to your specific requests and to contact you about our services.

Of course, you can browse the website without having to input personal information. You have the option of not providing any details. But we may automatically track certain information that is pulled up by category selections, omissions, etc. on our website. We use this information to be as user-friendly as possible, catering to personalised needs and requirements. This may include date and time of visiting the website, your IP address, browser type, etc.